School Lunch

June 9th, 2008

One of my favorite activities in high school was eating lunch. I may have been one of the few who enjoyed lunch time in the cafeteria. Hamburger pizza with lots of cheese, turkey corn scallop, the cookies, fresh rolls, Spanish rice with lots of cheese, and meat balls. One day I was still hungry after eating my few meatballs when I noticed that my friends had barely touched theirs. Since they were going to toss them, they gladly let me take them and I had a feast. I wish I remembered how many I ate that day. (That could explain why I got “fluffy” in my 40s — food was just so “full filling” for me.)

A few years ago Cheryl and I were talking about high school when she said something like, “Remember the ‘A’ burger?” I don’t think I had ever eaten one since I enjoyed lunch so much and I had forgotten all about it. Other high school foodie memories include the long gone Jolly Rogers and their 69 cent tacos and strawberry slushes after the basketball games, eating whatever was being sold for fundraisers (kakimochi for example) in Miss Fukuda’s Asian Studies class, and jumping into Vernette’s green Buick with the gang and heading to Rainbow Drive-In in Kapahulu. What would life be for teenagers if there wasn’t food to live for … What do you remember about lunch or any food activities at Kalani?

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2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Brian Yanagi  |  July 18th, 2008 at 4:38 am

    Yes, lunches were satisfactory at Kalani….cost was pretty cheap for a full meal with milk.

    Do you remember doing cafeteria duty and wearing the fish net head pieces? At least we got a free lunch for our labor.

  • 2. Glenda Anderson  |  August 20th, 2020 at 6:10 pm

    Ok, I know this blog message is now 12 years old, but can’t resist adding to Brian’s list.

    My favorite school lunch was always the shoyu chicken over rice – a bit messy, but so delicious. They didn’t serve it often. What I really miss are the Jolly Rogers Teri beef king with fries after football games. Fun memories.

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