Class Reunion?

Mau has proposed holding a 45th class reunion (in 2020), instead of
waiting unitl 2025! He further graciously offered to host the future
function plus another golf tournament at the Mid-Pacific Country Club in
Kailua. Wayne sighted our aging class and potential future health
ailments....and he is right.
Reunion Committee:
you for all your hard work and organization
in putting together our 40th
Class Reunion. It was a fun night and
I am pretty certain everyone enjoyed
themselves. At least it looked that
only other comment or suggestion I would
have is that the next Class Reunion take
place in 5 years instead of 10 years so
maybe more of our classmates can attend
without the assistance of the HandiVan,
wheelchair or walker. If you organize
a 45th Class Reunion, I will
again organize a golf outing for our
classmates to play in. Now that is
incentive. Finally, I can also offer
to sponsor the event at Mid Pacific Country
Club because at the Club they do not charge
you for the use of the room so all the money
collected can be used for the food. We
can have prime rib or Hawaiian Food buffet.
please do not assume that I want to organize
the next event, I am merely providing the
Committee options to think about.
can be the “host”. I just
need a tentative date so I can block the
date on the Club’s banquet calendar.
it was great seeing and catching up with
everyone. Thank you.
truly yours,
K. T. Mau, Esq.
Koshiba Price Gruebner & Mau
Direct Dial No.: (808)
Email: wmau@koshibalaw.com
your feedback to: kalanihigh1975@yahoo.com